lucia olivieri

inspired by a tale by Isak Dinesen, in  her Winter's Tales. a story of love and loss, of a life devoted to an endless search for the colour of happiness.  

there was once an immensely rich old English lord...

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it happened as they sailed the Chinese Sea, that the ship caught fire...

in the last moment she was carried down in a lifeboat by a young English sailor...

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and  the old lord made him promise to go shipping in the other hemisphere and never come back

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the WATER, that is the noblest of the elements...

and there, on the other hemisphere, a ship sails with which I have to keep pace...

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the young sailor

Alas, alas, it is not the right blue...

all shall be blue and in the midst of the blue world, my heart will be innocent and free...

Lady Helena

and there, in the midst of the world, we two shall meet...

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una storia, disse

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And when I am dead, you will cut my heart and lay it in the blue jar...

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...innocent and free, like a wake that sings, like the drops that fall from an oar blade

detail of back inner cover

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